Friday, September 27, 2013

Procrastination is my middle name.

I've not always been a procrastinator.  I used to get things done in a timely manner and then I didn't have to worry about them.  I would make one of my "to do" lists and then happily check off each item as I completed it.  Such a feeling of accomplishment!

I'm not quite sure when things changed.  I still make my lists and then I ignore them until I absolutely can't ignore them any more or I just hide the list and pretend like it never existed in the first place.

I do this with paying bills.  I always pay them before the due date, but I never pay them on the day I plan on paying them.  I hate writing out those checks and mailing off my hard earned money.  I know, I could always pay them online.  I have "set up online bill paying" on one of my lists. The one  that I keep pretending doesn't exist.

I used to start packing for my vacations at least a week in advance.  My last trip I hastily packed the night before we left.  I did have my packing list all set up ready to go but I just couldn't quite get motivated.  I blame the nasty cold I had.

Redecorating our living room has been put off over and over again. I'm talking about years of talking about but never doing. I blame laziness and fat for that, although we have officially started the project in the last couple weeks.  I'll post how that's coming along in the future.  Hopefully not too far in the future!

Making Dr. and dental appointments, vet appointments, doing laundry, housecleaning and grocery shopping have all been things I put off until the last minute.  They always get done, but not always as planned and maybe not the housecleaning.

Perhaps my biggest procrastination, is losing weight!  I choose a date,  plan carefully and then postpone it or I follow a diet for a few days or even months and then decide to go off it for a holiday or special occasion and never seem to get back on it again.  *sigh*

I guess when I look over this list of things I procrastinate on, I notice one thing in common.  They're all things I don't really like to do.  If I like to do them I don't dilly dally.  I get them done!  Like Christmas shopping.  I love Christmas shopping.  The thrill of finding the perfect gift for my loved ones is always a joy.  I'm usually all done shopping and wrapping before a lot of people even start.

Maybe I just need to start focusing on the feeling of accomplishment I will have once I finish something I don't really want to do.  I'll think about how nice it will be not to have those "to do's" hanging over my head like a black cloud.  In all actuality each one doesn't take all that much time, except the living room makeover and the losing weight.  So I will start focusing on not procrastinating!  I'm going to write that on my planner right now!  Let's see how about I start on Monday? that's my about Tuesday?  That's the start of a new month!  Yeah, I think I'll do that...I hope. ;o)

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