If you found this blog and are hoping for some interesting weight loss info, you might be sorely disappointed. I created this as kind of an online diary. I plan on sharing my loves, hopes, goals, dreams and life on these pages, like a diary. Writing in diaries was a longtime obsession of mine from childhood until my later twenties when raising children took a priority. I still took the time to jot down cute or humorous stories about my kids or vacations we went on but daily entries in a journal became tedious and just another chore that needed to be done. So, it was time to quit. Now that my daughters are adults and I have a lot more time, I thought I'd give blogging a try. Why blog over writing things down in a journal? My handwriting is atrocious! Over the years it has gradually declined. I blame working in a hospital. I have to translate the scribbles of doctors and eventually I began to scribble too. I spend a lot of time on my computer so typing comes much more naturally to me, so here I am!
Today I'll share with you some of my loves. I have many. You can probably guess one of them. Yes, I love food! I'm not a choosy eater. I love all kinds, although I'm a little picky when it comes to veggies. Fast food, deli food, restaurant foods, different ethnic foods and homemade. I love them all! In large quantities, because we all know if I don't get enough of my favorite foods now, they might not be available tomorrow...
Another thing I love, of course, is family. I have two wonderful daughters and a very understanding, patient and long suffering husband. I also have my Mom and 3 siblings all living in the area too. So, I'm surrounded by loving family. I'm very blessed.
Animals! I love animals! I currently have 3 cats and 2 dogs. You'll be hearing about them in detail throughout my posts, because they are a big part of my crazy life.
Traveling is another love of mine that also falls under my hopes and dreams category. I hope to share my trips I've been on and trips I hope to go on some day.
Cooking is one of my loves! I'm not a gourmet cook but I like to try new recipes, which I find on shows I watch, blogs, facebook posts and so on.
I love TV, which I watch way too much of and my DVR, which allows me to watch way too much TV. We'll have to discuss some of our favorite shows, or you can read about me discussing mine. ;o)
I also love reading. So many books, so little time. My favorites are mysteries. I have many mystery authors I follow. I also like romances. It's always nice to read a light, carefree, totally predictable romance.
One of my loves is computer games. My favorite of all times is The Sims. I've played it since it came out several years ago and have enjoyed The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3 and will probably like the soon to be released Sims 4. I will discuss this passion in more detail than you could ever want to read in the future, which makes me think of their next expansion for TS3, Into the Future! Love those Sim games!
I also like some of the facebook games too, even though they are addicting and frustrating, at times!
Well, as you can see, I do like to rattle on sometimes. So, I'll close now with the wish that you come back to see me again and share your thoughts with me.
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