Friday, September 13, 2013

Life on Facebook

A few years back my daughters started Facebook (FB) accounts.  I thought it looked interesting and started an account of my own.  At first I really didn't have many FB friends and nothing really to say, so I would just comment on their posts.  Slowly a few of my online friends, that I've met over the years through the Sims, started accounts.   My Facebook world grew a little larger.

I started playing a game called Farmville and I needed more neighbors.  I started friending friends and family members of those online friends and coworkers that played Farmville as well.  After all they needed neighbors too.  My FB world grew larger.  Soon I was playing other games and needed more friends and neighbors for those games and so my FB world grew even larger!

Over the years I felt like I was becoming real friends with these game friends because I would read posts about their real life.  They were from all over the world.  I would get to know their families through pictures and sometimes because they would friend me also.  We all needed more friends and neighbors.

As time went on, I stopped playing a lot of the games that I shared with these people, but I didn't delete these online game friends because I truly came to think of them as real friends.  I would worry about them, if they didn't post for a while.  I would pray for them if they or their families were sick or in need.  I would have online chats with them.  Sometimes, I admit, I would delete them if they were offensive or irritating to me, but that didn't happen too often.

I am thankful that Facebook brought so many new friends into my world.  I'm also thankful that it keeps me in touch with real friends and family on a daily basis.  I feel like I'm getting to know each person a little more and in doing so making lasting friendships with people that I would've never met in my little world.


  1. Isn't it odd that we've 'known' each other for over a decade via the sims, you live about a half hour from me, and we've never actually met?

    The internet really is a world changing thing. I've met people from all over the planet that would have never crossed my path without it.

    This is aubry by the way.

  2. I agree, Aubry. The internet has really opened up the world to so many of us. I knew it was you, from your pretty picture. :o)
