A few minutes ago I was sitting at my computer reading some facebook posts. A common past time of mine. I went back to an earlier post from a friend of mine asking for some new Christmas music ideas. She wanted something more lively than what she usually listened to. I had added my two cents worth telling her that Trans Siberian Orchestra definitely had some lively music. I wanted to see what other ideas people had posted, as I'm always looking for new ideas for my music library. As I was reading through the posts I saw one from another one of her friends saying that he couldn't hear but if he could what group he would be interested in, from things he'd read.
That post struck something deep inside of me. I felt myself tearing up as I sat here listening to my Christmas music. I realized how I take things like hearing and eyesight for granted. I began to imagine what it would be like not being able to hear or see. I can't even imagine that because I have truly been blessed to have good hearing and eyesight. Even if I was to lose either one of those senses, I still would have the memories of sights and sounds to help me remember.
What if I had never been able to hear or see? I would never really know what I was missing.
I take so many things in my life for granted. I should be counting my blessings every day for what I have instead of wishing for more. Yes, it would be wonderful to win that big Mega Millions jackpot, but I have so much already, that so many others don't have. A roof over my head. A coat to keep me warm. A car to get me where I need to go. A good job. Food. Family. Friends. The list of blessings goes on and on.
I have a good life! I hope to keep that in mind as the holiday season progresses and long afterwards. God has been very good to me! I pray that he blesses each of you and you open your eyes and ears to those many blessings.